Michigan Transfer Pathways

A clear-cut pathway to a bachelor’s degree


Working to increase degree completion among transfer students, community colleges and universities have collaborated to simplify the transfer process by developing MiTransfer Pathways. This allows community college students to apply every credit to four-year universities in specific programs.

MiTransfer Pathways


  • Art – MiTransfer Pathway

    MiTransfer Pathways – Art

    Community colleges and universities have collaborated to simplify the transfer process by developing MiTransfer Pathways. These transfer pathways build on the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), 使学生更容易将在全球网络赌博平台获得的通识教育课程转到密歇根州参与的四年制大学. View Jackson College’s MTA requirements.

    Art faculty identified courses that will transfer between community colleges and universities in Michigan. The following courses at Jackson College are guaranteed to transfer to art programs of participating institutions.

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    ART 101 Two-Dimensional Design 3

    学生将学习二维设计的原理和元素,并在各种动手工作室全球网络赌博平台中实践其应用. Critical thinking skills such as problem solving, understanding the creative process (from idea to finished product), and addressing visual and conceptual themes are essential parts of the course. These skills are reflected in studio projects.

    ART 103 Drawing I: Foundations 3

    This course introduces basic drawing principles and techniques in a studio setting. Students explore contour and tonal drawing using various subjects and media in both observational and conceptual drawings. Projects will incorporate a variety of ability levels, as well as traditional and non-traditional media (including digital images). Students will draw from a nude model. Critical thinking skills such as problem solving, understanding the creative process (from idea to finished product), and addressing visual and conceptual themes are essential parts of the course, reflected in the studio projects. An end of semester portfolio represents students’ growth and artistic development.

    ART 111 Art History: Prehistoric to 1400 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    This course is a survey of art history and aesthetics covering art and architecture from prehistoric times to 1400.

    ART 112 Art History: Renaissance to Present 3 ENG 085*

    This course is a survey of art history and aesthetics covering art from the Renaissance through the 20th century.

    ART 201 Three-Dimensional Design: Shapes & Space 3

    学生学习三维设计的原理和元素,并学习如何在各种工作室全球网络赌博平台中应用它们. 学生理解并演示用不同的媒体创建雕塑所需的不同施工方法. Critical thinking skills such as problem solving, understanding the creative process (from idea to finished product), and addressing visual and conceptual themes are essential parts of the course. These skills are reflected in studio projects.

    Studio Art Courses

    It is recommended that students complete two studio art courses in two different mediums. Studio art courses should be selected on consultation with a faculty advisor based on the students’ major, concentration, or focus. These courses may transfer as part of the associate degree but may not transfer as course-to-course equivalencies.

    Jackson College Degree Requirements


    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    COM 231 Communication Fundamentals 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    Students will learn the basic principles of speech communication including speech development and delivery, interpersonal message, non-verbal messages, and small group dynamics. The course is designed to prepare students to be effective communicators in a diverse global society. Student speeches will be evaluated for effectiveness.

    GEO 7 Some MTA courses meet this requirement 3
    SEM 140 Seminar in Life Pathways 3

    Seminar in Life Pathways is a gateway course to Jackson College. This course is designed to help all students develop the skills, inner qualities and external behaviors needed to take charge of their academic and career success. 学生将被引导通过一个广泛的过程,使职业选择和选择学习的学术课程在全球网络赌博平台和超越. With the exception of second-admit programs, SEM 140 is required of all students.

    Transfer Institution Degree Requirements

    转学机构已经确定了学生可以在全球网络赌博平台学习的剩余学位要求,这些要求将转到参与的艺术全球网络赌博平台. To view each institution’s additional degree requirements, select your transfer institution then use Michigan Transfer Networks’s course equivalencies tool to find the course equivalent at Jackson College.

  • Biology – MiTransfer Pathway

    MiTransfer Pathways – Biology

    Community colleges and universities have collaborated to simplify the transfer process by developing MiTransfer Pathways. These transfer pathways build on the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), 使学生更容易将在全球网络赌博平台获得的通识教育课程转到密歇根州参与的四年制大学. View Jackson College’s MTA requirements.

    Biology faculty identified courses that will transfer between community colleges and universities in Michigan. The following courses at Jackson College are guaranteed to transfer to biology programs of participating institutions.

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    BIO 161 General Biology I 4 ENG 090* and MAT 033* or higher

    生物学161是为期一年的普通生物学体验课程的第一学期,适用于理科生或专业预科学生. This course covers nature of science, a survey of the major groups of living organisms (bacteria, fungi, plants and animals), the process and evidence for evolution, and the fundamentals of ecology. It provides the foundation for upper level biology courses. This course includes a laboratory component.

    BIO 162 General Biology II 4 CEM 131 or higher

    生物学162是为期一年的普通生物学体验课程的第二学期,适用于理科生或专业预科学生. This course covers the chemical basis of life, cell structure and function, photosynthesis and cellular respiration, molecular and Mendelian genetics, cell division, gene regulation and biotechnology. It provides the foundation for upper level biology courses. This course includes a laboratory component. Successful completion of BIO 161 is recommended prior to enrollment .

    CEM 141 General Chemistry I 5 CIS 095*, ENG 085*, ENG 090* and MAT 131* or higher

    This course is required for most sciences, engineering, and pre-professional health majors. Students who are required to take organic chemistry for their major should enroll in CEM 141 during their first semester. Topics include atomic and molecular structure, periodicity, chemical bonding, states of matter, kinetic molecular theory and stoichiometry. Course includes a laboratory component.

    CEM 142 General Chemistry II 5 CEM 141

    This course is the second semester of general chemistry and extends material covered in CEM 141. Covered concepts include chemical thermodynamics, electrochemical reactions, reaction kinetics, acid-base theories, nuclear chemistry, and aqueous solutions with emphasis on equilibrium. Experiments include quantitative methods, stoichiometry, colorimetry, and gravimetric analysis. Course includes a laboratory component.

    CEM 241 Organic Chemistry I 5 CEM 142

    Comprehensive study of the major classes of organic compounds, their structures and reactions. The stero-chemical properties and spectra (IR and NMR) of molecules and their mechanisms of reactions are stressed. The laboratory experiments demonstrate techniques used in organic reactions, syntheses illustrating types of reactions, analysis of major classes of compounds, and kinetic studies.

    CEM 242 Organic Chemistry II 5 CEM 241

    A continuation of CEM 241. Course includes a laboratory component.

    Jackson College Degree Requirements


    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    COM 231 Communication Fundamentals 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    Students will learn the basic principles of speech communication including speech development and delivery, interpersonal message, non-verbal messages, and small group dynamics. The course is designed to prepare students to be effective communicators in a diverse global society. Student speeches will be evaluated for effectiveness.

    GEO 7 Some MTA courses meet this requirement 3
    SEM 140 Seminar in Life Pathways 3

    Seminar in Life Pathways is a gateway course to Jackson College. This course is designed to help all students develop the skills, inner qualities and external behaviors needed to take charge of their academic and career success. 学生将被引导通过一个广泛的过程,使职业选择和选择学习的学术课程在全球网络赌博平台和超越. With the exception of second-admit programs, SEM 140 is required of all students.

    Transfer Institution Degree Requirements

    转学机构已经确定了学生可以在全球网络赌博平台学习的剩余学位要求,这些要求将转到参与的生物学全球网络赌博平台. To view each institution’s additional degree requirements, select your transfer institution then use Michigan Transfer Networks’s course equivalencies tool to find the course equivalent at Jackson College.

  • Business – MiTransfer Pathway

    MiTransfer Pathways – Business

    Community colleges and universities have collaborated to simplify the transfer process by developing MiTransfer Pathways. These transfer pathways build on the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), 使学生更容易将在全球网络赌博平台获得的通识教育课程转到密歇根州参与的四年制大学. View Jackson College’s MTA requirements.

    Business faculty identified courses that will transfer between community colleges and universities in Michigan. The following courses at Jackson College are guaranteed to transfer to business programs of participating institutions.

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    ACC 231 Principles of Accounting I 4 ENG 085*, ENG 090*, MAT 033* or higher and CIS 101 or CIS 121 $787.20

    This course is an introductory course in Financial Accounting. 学习根据公认会计原则(GAAP)记录财务会计数据和编制财务报表的理论和实践,重点是公司. Current software and online applications will be utilized.

    ACC 232 Principles of Accounting II 4 ACC 231

    This course is an introductory course in Managerial Accounting. Learn how accounting impacts managerial decision making. Topics include stocks, bonds, cash flow, cost accounting, break-even analysis, differential analysis, financial statements and budgeting. Current software and online applications will be utilized.

    BUA 250 Business Law I 3 CIS 095*, ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    This course offers an introduction to law and the legal system, dispute resolution and courts, business ethics, torts, contracts, sales and leases of goods, and negotiable instruments.

    ECN 231 Macroeconomics 3 ENG 101* and MAT 135 (Preferred), MAT 133 or MAT 139 Accepted

    This course covers macroeconomics and explains the operation of free markets, the role of government in the economy, measurement of the national product, inflation and unemployment, monetary and fiscal policy, and economic growth.

    ECN 232 Microeconomics 3 ENG 101* and MAT 135 (Preferred), MAT 133 or MAT 139 Accepted

    This course covers microeconomics: the market structure of firms operating in competition and monopoly, labor markets and unions, how income is distributed, current economic problems, international economics, and alternative economic systems.

    Jackson College Degree Requirements


    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    COM 231 Communication Fundamentals 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    Students will learn the basic principles of speech communication including speech development and delivery, interpersonal message, non-verbal messages, and small group dynamics. The course is designed to prepare students to be effective communicators in a diverse global society. Student speeches will be evaluated for effectiveness.

    COM 231 Communication Fundamentals 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    Students will learn the basic principles of speech communication including speech development and delivery, interpersonal message, non-verbal messages, and small group dynamics. The course is designed to prepare students to be effective communicators in a diverse global society. Student speeches will be evaluated for effectiveness.

    SEM 140 Seminar in Life Pathways 3

    Seminar in Life Pathways is a gateway course to Jackson College. This course is designed to help all students develop the skills, inner qualities and external behaviors needed to take charge of their academic and career success. 学生将被引导通过一个广泛的过程,使职业选择和选择学习的学术课程在全球网络赌博平台和超越. With the exception of second-admit programs, SEM 140 is required of all students.

    GEO 7 Some MTA courses meet this requirement 3

    Transfer Institution Degree Requirements

    转学机构已经确定了学生可以在全球网络赌博平台学习的剩余学位要求,这些要求将转到参与的商业全球网络赌博平台. To view each institution’s additional degree requirements, select your transfer institution then use Michigan Transfer Networks’s course equivalencies tool to find the course equivalent at Jackson College.

  • Criminal Justice – MiTransfer Pathway

    MiTransfer Pathways – Criminal Justice

    Community colleges and universities have collaborated to simplify the transfer process by developing MiTransfer Pathways. These transfer pathways build on the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), 使学生更容易将在全球网络赌博平台获得的通识教育课程转到密歇根州参与的四年制大学. View Jackson College’s MTA requirements.

    Criminal Justice faculty identified courses that will transfer between community colleges and universities in Michigan. The following courses at Jackson College are guaranteed to transfer to criminal justice programs of participating institutions.

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    CRJ 111 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    This course covers the history, evolution and philosophy of the American criminal justice system. Emphasis on the interrelationship of system components: police, attorneys, courts and corrections.

    CRJ 121 Introduction to Corrections 3 ENG 085*, ENG 090*, and MAT 020*

    A survey of the American corrections system as a component of the criminal justice system.

    PSY 140 Introduction to Psychology 4 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    Overview of the field of psychology, including learning, development, emotion, motivation, personality, abnormal behavior and psychotherapy.

    SOC 231 Principles of Sociology 3 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    The discipline and its contributions to understanding the fundamental processes of social interaction. Includes development of self, socialization process, groups and social structure. Application of sociological principles to our society by examination of relevant research.

    Jackson College Degree Requirements


    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    CIS 101 Introduction to Computer Systems 3 CIS 095*, ENG 085*, ENG 090* and MAT 020* or higher

    Enhance computer knowledge. Course covers computer system concepts with an emphasis on several software applications. Typing ability necessary to be successful in this class.

    COM 231 Communication Fundamentals 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    Students will learn the basic principles of speech communication including speech development and delivery, interpersonal message, non-verbal messages, and small group dynamics. The course is designed to prepare students to be effective communicators in a diverse global society. Student speeches will be evaluated for effectiveness.

    CRJ 101 Criminal Law 3 ENG 085*

    This course covers both substantive and procedural law at local, state and federal levels. Special emphasis given to the Michigan Penal Code and landmark court decisions.

    CRJ 102 Criminal Investigation 3 ENG 085*

    This course covers the fundamentals of criminal investigation, theory and practice, from crime scene to courtroom, with emphasis on techniques appropriate to specific crimes.

    CRJ 104 Criminal Justice Psychology 3 ENG 085*

    This course is an overview of criminal behavior from a psych-social perspective. Contemporary research, theory and practice concerning the psychology of crime are reviewed.

    CRJ 114 Police Administration & Operations 3 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    Administration and operation of a police department including line/staff activities are explored.

    CRJ 117 Criminology 3 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    (SAME AS SOC 117) Provides an understanding of the cultural nature, origin and development of criminal behavior with attention given to the psychological and sociological factors involved.

    ENG 232 Technical & Business Writing 3 ENG 131

    这门课程旨在提供各种书面和口头交流的练习,以满足工作场所的要求. Projects may include descriptions, instructions, résumés, proposals, reports or online documents. It involves frequent writing, both in and out of class, as well as oral presentations, collaborative activities and individual conferences.

    HIS 211 Minority Groups in America 3 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    Sociology of dominant-minority relations in contemporary American society. Attention to specific ethnic, religious, and racial minorities in terms of prejudice and discrimination.

    PLS 141 American National Government 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    Develops a systematic framework for the interpretation of political activity in the United States. Numerous models explain the theoretical foundations of government and the decision-making process.

    PSY 251 Abnormal Psychology 3 PSY 140

    Survey of those behaviors that do not fit the norm of society, including causal factors, specific disorders and treatment methods.

    SEM 140 Seminar in Life Pathways 3

    Seminar in Life Pathways is a gateway course to Jackson College. This course is designed to help all students develop the skills, inner qualities and external behaviors needed to take charge of their academic and career success. 学生将被引导通过一个广泛的过程,使职业选择和选择学习的学术课程在全球网络赌博平台和超越. With the exception of second-admit programs, SEM 140 is required of all students.

    Transfer Institution Degree Requirements

    转学机构已经确定了学生可以在全球网络赌博平台学习的剩余学位要求,这些要求将转到参与的刑事司法全球网络赌博平台. To view each institution’s additional degree requirements, select your transfer institution then use Michigan Transfer Networks’s course equivalencies tool to find the course equivalent at Jackson College.

  • Exercise Science – MiTransfer Pathway

    MiTransfer Pathways – Exercise Science

    Community colleges and universities have collaborated to simplify the transfer process by developing MiTransfer Pathways. These transfer pathways build on the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), 使学生更容易将在全球网络赌博平台获得的通识教育课程转到密歇根州参与的四年制大学. View Jackson College’s MTA requirements.

    Faculty identified courses that will transfer between community colleges and universities in Michigan. The following courses at Jackson College are guaranteed to transfer to exercise science programs of participating institutions.

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    BIO 253 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4 ENG 085* and MAT 020* or higher

    这是学生学习人体解剖学和生理学的两个学期课程序列的第一门课程. The course includes introductions to basic chemistry, biology and histology and extends to the survey of the integumentary, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. 本课程包括实验部分,学生负责进行解剖并对解剖材料进行原始观察. The laboratory experience culminates with the use of a plastinated human specimen for observation. A strong background in biology and/or chemistry is highly recommended.

    BIO 254 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 4 BIO 253

    这是学生学习人体解剖学和生理学的两个学期课程序列中的第二门课程. The course includes the autonomic nervous system, sensory, motor, and integrative systems, special senses, endocrine system, cardiovascular systems, lymphatic system and immunity, respiratory systems, digestive system, metabolism and nutrition, urinary system and reproductive systems. 本课程包括实验部分,学生负责进行解剖并对解剖材料进行原始观察. The laboratory experience culminates with the use of a plastinated human specimen for observation. Because physiological processes are based on the principles of chemistry, prior chemistry coursework is strongly recommended for this course.

    CEM 141 General Chemistry I 5 CIS 095*, ENG 085*, ENG 090* and MAT 131* or higher

    This course is required for most sciences, engineering, and pre-professional health majors. Students who are required to take organic chemistry for their major should enroll in CEM 141 during their first semester. Topics include atomic and molecular structure, periodicity, chemical bonding, states of matter, kinetic molecular theory and stoichiometry. Course includes a laboratory component.

    PSY 140 Introduction to Psychology 4 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    Overview of the field of psychology, including learning, development, emotion, motivation, personality, abnormal behavior and psychotherapy.

    Jackson College Degree Requirements


    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    COM 231 Communication Fundamentals 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    Students will learn the basic principles of speech communication including speech development and delivery, interpersonal message, non-verbal messages, and small group dynamics. The course is designed to prepare students to be effective communicators in a diverse global society. Student speeches will be evaluated for effectiveness.

    GEO 7 Some MTA courses meet this requirement 3
    SEM 140 Seminar in Life Pathways 3

    Seminar in Life Pathways is a gateway course to Jackson College. This course is designed to help all students develop the skills, inner qualities and external behaviors needed to take charge of their academic and career success. 学生将被引导通过一个广泛的过程,使职业选择和选择学习的学术课程在全球网络赌博平台和超越. With the exception of second-admit programs, SEM 140 is required of all students.

    Transfer Institution Degree Requirements

    转学机构已经确定了学生可以在全球网络赌博平台学习的剩余学位要求,这些要求将转到参与的生物学全球网络赌博平台. To view each institution’s additional degree requirements, select your transfer institution then use Michigan Transfer Networks’s course equivalencies tool to find the course equivalent at Jackson College.

  • Communication – MiTransfer Pathway

    MiTransfer Pathways – Communication

    Community colleges and universities have collaborated to simplify the transfer process by developing MiTransfer Pathways. These transfer pathways build on the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), 使学生更容易将在全球网络赌博平台获得的通识教育课程转到密歇根州参与的四年制大学. View Jackson College’s MTA requirements.

    Communication faculty identified courses that will transfer between community colleges and universities in Michigan. The following courses at Jackson College are guaranteed to transfer to communication programs of participating institutions.

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    COM 231 Communication Fundamentals 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    Students will learn the basic principles of speech communication including speech development and delivery, interpersonal message, non-verbal messages, and small group dynamics. The course is designed to prepare students to be effective communicators in a diverse global society. Student speeches will be evaluated for effectiveness.

    COM 240 Interpersonal Communication 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    (FORMERLY SPH 240) Students will learn to improve communication in one-on-one and small group situations. In this course, students will examine basic verbal and non-verbal elements affecting communication between individuals in family, peer group and work contexts. Specific units of discussion include intrapersonal perspective, conflict resolution, self-disclosure, message generation, intercultural messages and non-verbal communication.

    Jackson College Degree Requirements


    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    GEO 7 Some MTA courses meet this requirement 3
    SEM 140 Seminar in Life Pathways 3

    Seminar in Life Pathways is a gateway course to Jackson College. This course is designed to help all students develop the skills, inner qualities and external behaviors needed to take charge of their academic and career success. 学生将被引导通过一个广泛的过程,使职业选择和选择学习的学术课程在全球网络赌博平台和超越. With the exception of second-admit programs, SEM 140 is required of all students.

    Transfer Institution Degree Requirements

    转学机构已经确定了学生可以在全球网络赌博平台学习的剩余学位要求,这些要求将转到参与的艺术全球网络赌博平台. To view each institution’s additional degree requirements, select your transfer institution then use Michigan Transfer Networks’s course equivalencies tool to find the course equivalent at Jackson College.

  • Mechanical Engineering – MiTransfer Pathway

    MiTransfer Pathways – Mechanical Engineering

    Community colleges and universities have collaborated to simplify the transfer process by developing MiTransfer Pathways. These transfer pathways build on the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), 使学生更容易将在全球网络赌博平台获得的通识教育课程转到密歇根州参与的四年制大学. View Jackson College’s MTA requirements.

    Engineering faculty identified courses that will transfer between community colleges and universities in Michigan. 全球网络赌博平台的以下课程保证可以转到参与院校的机械工程专业.

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    CEM 141 General Chemistry I 5 CIS 095*, ENG 085*, ENG 090* and MAT 131* or higher

    This course is required for most sciences, engineering, and pre-professional health majors. Students who are required to take organic chemistry for their major should enroll in CEM 141 during their first semester. Topics include atomic and molecular structure, periodicity, chemical bonding, states of matter, kinetic molecular theory and stoichiometry. Course includes a laboratory component.

    MAT 151 Calculus I 4 MAT 141*

    First calculus course for business, mathematics, engineering and science students explores introductory plane analytic geometry, the derivative, the integral and their applications for algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions. The mathematics department recommends that the prerequisite not be more than two years old. If the prerequisite is more than two years old, 然后建议应该参加课程安排考试或重新参加先决条件,以确保学生的成功.

    MAT 154 Calculus II 5 MAT 151*

    本课程探讨了反三角函数和双曲函数的导数和积分的方法和应用, indeterminate forms, series and polar/parametric representation of functions. Graphing calculator required. The mathematics department recommends the pre-requisite not be more than two years old. If the pre-requisite is more than two years old, the recommendation is the course placement exam be taken or the pre-requisite be retaken to ensure the success of the student.

    MAT 251 Calculus III 4 MAT 154

    Course topics include the calculus of vector-valued functions, multivariable functions and vector fields. Solid analytic geometry and applications of the material are embedded throughout. Use of a computer Algebra System is integrated into the course. Technology Note : Students need to bring a laptop computer to all classes. This computer must meet the minimum system requirements for Maple: http://www.maplesoft.com/products/system_requirem ents.aspx Note: Chromebooks and other tablets are not sufficient.

    MAT 254 Differential Equations 4 MAT 154

    In this course, students will explore solutions of first order differential equations, linear differential equations, with constant coefficients, variation of parameters, series solutions, Laplace transforms, eigenvectors and eigenvalues and application to solution of systems of linear first order equations. 计算机代数系统的使用被整合到课程中。技术备注:学生需要带一台笔记本电脑上所有的课. This computer must meet the minimum system requirements for Maple: http://www.maplesoft.com/products/system_requirem ent.aspx. Note: Chromebooks and other tablets will not work.

    PHY 251 Modern University Physics I 5 MAT 151 or higher

    Students cover classical mechanics, thermodynamics and wave motion. This course should be elected by all science and engineering students. Course includes a laboratory component.

    PHY 252 Modern University Physics II 5 PHY 251

    Students cover topics in classical electricity and magnetism, optics, special relativity and modern physics. A continuation of PHY 251. Course includes a laboratory component.

    Jackson College Degree Requirements


    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    COM 231 Communication Fundamentals 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    Students will learn the basic principles of speech communication including speech development and delivery, interpersonal message, non-verbal messages, and small group dynamics. The course is designed to prepare students to be effective communicators in a diverse global society. Student speeches will be evaluated for effectiveness.

    GEO 7 Some MTA courses meet this requirement 3
    SEM 140 Seminar in Life Pathways 3

    Seminar in Life Pathways is a gateway course to Jackson College. This course is designed to help all students develop the skills, inner qualities and external behaviors needed to take charge of their academic and career success. 学生将被引导通过一个广泛的过程,使职业选择和选择学习的学术课程在全球网络赌博平台和超越. With the exception of second-admit programs, SEM 140 is required of all students.

    Transfer Institution Degree Requirements

    转学机构已经确定了学生可以在全球网络赌博平台学习的剩余学位要求,这些要求将转到参与的生物学全球网络赌博平台. To view each institution’s additional degree requirements, select your transfer institution then use Michigan Transfer Networks’s course equivalencies tool to find the course equivalent at Jackson College.

  • Public Health – MiTransfer Pathway

    MiTransfer Pathways – Public Health

    Community colleges and universities have collaborated to simplify the transfer process by developing MiTransfer Pathways. These transfer pathways build on the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), 使学生更容易将在全球网络赌博平台获得的通识教育课程转到密歇根州参与的四年制大学. View Jackson College’s MTA requirements.

    Public Health faculty identified courses that will transfer between community colleges and universities in Michigan. The following courses at Jackson College are guaranteed to transfer to Public Health programs of participating institutions.

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    BIO 140 Public Health and Disease 3 ENG 085* ENG 090* and MAT 020* or higher

    This lecture/discussion course provides an evidence-based approach to the concepts of public health. 涵盖的主题包括传染病和非传染病以及健康和疾病中的遗传和环境因素. 学生将探索地方和国家公共卫生资源,重点是如何使用公共卫生数据来为自己的健康决策提供信息.

    HPF 160 Wellness 1 ENG 085*

    Learn the theoretical and practical relationship of lifestyle to productivity. Students examine attitudes and behaviors that enhance quality of life and maximize personal potential. Students have opportunities for self-evaluation.

    NRS 145 Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition 3 ENG 085

    Basic nutritional concepts are presented with emphasis on application to patient care. Selected nutritional disorders and fundamentals of diet therapy are also included.

    PSY 140 Introduction to Psychology 4 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    Overview of the field of psychology, including learning, development, emotion, motivation, personality, abnormal behavior and psychotherapy.

    SOC 231 Principles of Sociology 3 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    The discipline and its contributions to understanding the fundamental processes of social interaction. Includes development of self, socialization process, groups and social structure. Application of sociological principles to our society by examination of relevant research.

    Jackson College Degree Requirements


    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    COM 231 Communication Fundamentals 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    Students will learn the basic principles of speech communication including speech development and delivery, interpersonal message, non-verbal messages, and small group dynamics. The course is designed to prepare students to be effective communicators in a diverse global society. Student speeches will be evaluated for effectiveness.

    GEO 7 Some MTA courses meet this requirement 3
    SEM 140 Seminar in Life Pathways 3

    Seminar in Life Pathways is a gateway course to Jackson College. This course is designed to help all students develop the skills, inner qualities and external behaviors needed to take charge of their academic and career success. 学生将被引导通过一个广泛的过程,使职业选择和选择学习的学术课程在全球网络赌博平台和超越. With the exception of second-admit programs, SEM 140 is required of all students.

    Transfer Institution Degree Requirements

    转学机构已经确定了学生可以在全球网络赌博平台学习的剩余学位要求,这些要求将转到参与的艺术全球网络赌博平台. To view each institution’s additional degree requirements, select your transfer institution then use Michigan Transfer Networks’s course equivalencies tool to find the course equivalent at Jackson College.

  • Psychology – MiTransfer Pathway

    MiTransfer Pathways – Psychology

    Community colleges and universities have collaborated to simplify the transfer process by developing MiTransfer Pathways. These transfer pathways build on the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), 使学生更容易将在全球网络赌博平台获得的通识教育课程转到密歇根州参与的四年制大学. View Jackson College’s MTA requirements.

    Psychology faculty identified courses that will transfer between community colleges and universities in Michigan. The following courses at Jackson College are guaranteed to transfer to psychology programs of participating institutions.

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    PSY 140 Introduction to Psychology 4 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    Overview of the field of psychology, including learning, development, emotion, motivation, personality, abnormal behavior and psychotherapy.

    PSY 152 Social Psychology 3 PSY 140 or SOC 231

    (SAME AS SOC 152) Theoretical synthesis of social influences, including attitude formation, social and cognitive development, aggression, prosocial behavior, prejudice, conformity, culture and gender differences, influences, group processes and interpersonal attraction will be studied.

    PSY 251 Abnormal Psychology 3 PSY 140

    Survey of those behaviors that do not fit the norm of society, including causal factors, specific disorders and treatment methods.

    PSY 252 Developmental Psychology 3 PSY 140

    Principles and theories of human development from conception through adulthood, with applications to foster optimal development. Cognitive, behavioral and social learning theories are used to integrate research findings.

    Jackson College Degree Requirements


    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    COM 231 Communication Fundamentals 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    Students will learn the basic principles of speech communication including speech development and delivery, interpersonal message, non-verbal messages, and small group dynamics. The course is designed to prepare students to be effective communicators in a diverse global society. Student speeches will be evaluated for effectiveness.

    HIS 211 Minority Groups in America 3 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    Sociology of dominant-minority relations in contemporary American society. Attention to specific ethnic, religious, and racial minorities in terms of prejudice and discrimination.

    SEM 140 Seminar in Life Pathways 3

    Seminar in Life Pathways is a gateway course to Jackson College. This course is designed to help all students develop the skills, inner qualities and external behaviors needed to take charge of their academic and career success. 学生将被引导通过一个广泛的过程,使职业选择和选择学习的学术课程在全球网络赌博平台和超越. With the exception of second-admit programs, SEM 140 is required of all students.

    Transfer Institution Degree Requirements

    转学机构已经确定了学生可以在全球网络赌博平台学习的剩余学位要求,这些要求将转到参与心理学课程. To view each institution’s additional degree requirements, select your transfer institution, then use Michigan Transfer Networks’s course equivalencies tool to find the course equivalent at Jackson College.

  • Social Work – MiTransfer Pathway

    MiTransfer Pathways – Social Work

    Community colleges and universities have collaborated to simplify the transfer process by developing MiTransfer Pathways. These transfer pathways build on the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), 使学生更容易将在全球网络赌博平台获得的通识教育课程转到密歇根州参与的四年制大学. View Jackson College’s MTA requirements.

    Social Work faculty identified courses that will transfer between community colleges and universities in Michigan. The following courses at Jackson College are guaranteed to transfer to Social Work programs of participating institutions.

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    BIO 132 Human Biology 4 ENG 085* and MAT 020* or higher

    Students focus on the structure and function of the human body, the unity and diversity of life, the nature of scientific inquiry, and the principles and processes of evolution as well as contemporary issues that relate to biology. Course includes a laboratory component which focuses on human anatomy.

    PSY 140 Introduction to Psychology 4 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    Overview of the field of psychology, including learning, development, emotion, motivation, personality, abnormal behavior and psychotherapy.

    SOC 231 Principles of Sociology 3 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    The discipline and its contributions to understanding the fundamental processes of social interaction. Includes development of self, socialization process, groups and social structure. Application of sociological principles to our society by examination of relevant research.

    SWK 292 Introduction to Social Work 3

    An introduction to the social work profession, code of ethics, values, and social welfare policy. This is an examination of the profession’s responsibilities in correlation to the populations served. This includes a history of social work as well as the role of the social work profession and different settings of practice.

    Prerequisite: PSY 140 or SOC 231

    Jackson College Degree Requirements


    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    COM 231 Communication Fundamentals 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    Students will learn the basic principles of speech communication including speech development and delivery, interpersonal message, non-verbal messages, and small group dynamics. The course is designed to prepare students to be effective communicators in a diverse global society. Student speeches will be evaluated for effectiveness.

    GEO 7 Some MTA courses meet this requirement 3
    SEM 140 Seminar in Life Pathways 3

    Seminar in Life Pathways is a gateway course to Jackson College. This course is designed to help all students develop the skills, inner qualities and external behaviors needed to take charge of their academic and career success. 学生将被引导通过一个广泛的过程,使职业选择和选择学习的学术课程在全球网络赌博平台和超越. With the exception of second-admit programs, SEM 140 is required of all students.

    Transfer Institution Degree Requirements

    转学机构已经确定了学生可以在全球网络赌博平台学习的剩余学位要求,这些要求将转到参与的艺术全球网络赌博平台. To view each institution’s additional degree requirements, select your transfer institution then use Michigan Transfer Networks’s course equivalencies tool to find the course equivalent at Jackson College.

MiWorkforce Pathways

MiWorkforce Pathways为社区学院的应用全球网络赌博平台学位与密歇根州公立和独立学院和大学的学士学位完成课程之间的转换协议提供指导.

  • Information Technology MiWorkforce Pathway

    Jackson College Degrees

    Participating Public & Independent Colleges and Universities to transfer your associate degree.

    Alma College

    • Information Technology

    Baker College

    • Bachelor of General Studies

    Davenport University

    • BAS-Applied Business

    Davenport University

    • BAS-Professional Integrative Studies

    Davenport University

    • BAS-Professional Integrative Studies-Partnerships

    Ferris State University

    • BS Computer Information Systems
    • BS-Computer Information Technology

    Grand Valley State University

    • Bachelors in Integrative Studies

    Northwood University

    • Applied Business

    Rochester University

    • BBA in Computer Information Systems

    Saginaw Valley State Universit

    • Bachelor of General Studies

    Siena Heights University

    • Bachelor of Applied Science

    Walsh College

    • Bachelor of Business Administration
    • Bachelor of Science in Applied Management
  • Healthcare MiWorkforce Pathway

    Jackson College Degrees

    Participating Public & Independent Colleges and Universities to transfer your associate degree.

    Davenport University

    • BAS-Applied Business

    Ferris State University

    • BS Allied Health Science

    Grand Valley State University

    • BS in Allied Health
    • Bachelors in Integrative Studies

    Oakland University

    • Bachelor of Science in Applied Health Sciences

    Rochester University

    • Bachelor of Science – Healthcare Management (Accelerated)

    Saginaw Valley State University

    • Bachelor of General Studies

    Siena Heights University

    • Bachelor of Applied Science

    Walsh College

    • Bachelor of Business Administration
    • Bachelor of Science in Applied Management
  • General Applied Science MiWorkforce Pathway

    Jackson College Degrees

    Participating Public & Independent Colleges and Universities to transfer your associate degree.

    Baker College

    • Bachelor of General Studies

    Davenport University

    • BAS-Applied Business
    • BAS-Integrative Professional Studies
    • BAS-Integrative Professional Studies-General Partnerships

    Ferris State University

    • BS Integrative Studies

    Grand Valley State University

    • Bachelors in Integrative Studies

    Northwood University

    • Applied Business

    Oakland University

    • Bachelor of Integrative Studies

    Saginaw Valley State University

    • Bachelor of General Studies

    Siena Heights University

    • Bachelor of Applied Science

    Walsh College

    • Bachelor of Business Administration
    • Bachelor of Science in Applied Management
  • Applied Business MiWorkforce Pathway

    Jackson College Degrees

    Participating Public & Independent Colleges and Universities to transfer your associate degree:

    Baker College

    • General Studies

    Davenport University

    • BAS-Integrative Professional Studies

    Davenport University

    • BAS-Integrative Professional Studies-Partnerships

    Ferris State University

    • BS Business Administration with Specialized Concentrations

    Grand Valley State University

    • Bachelors in Integrative Studies

    Northwood University

    • Applied Business

    Saginaw Valley State University

    • Bachelor of General Studies

    Siena Heights University

    • Bachelor of Applied Science

    Walsh College

    • Bachelor of Business Administration
    • Bachelor of Science in Applied Management